Good is living in the moment. having fun. never regretting. or second guessing. it is acceptance. and strength.
ART - A state of mind, an expression, realizing, individuality. It is everywhere and defines the world. It is personal. It comes from the heart. It should not be judged.
PHOTO - A reflection, brief glimpse of history, reminds me of ghosts because a picture holds not what is happening, but what has happened. It is thoughts. and memories.
ME FIRST QUARTER - I was slightly over confident. I didn't really think about why something made a good picture - just whether it did or not. My mindjust works that way... I did not take very many pictures of the same subject ether. I had no doubts that they would come out. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing seeing as all of them have thus far. (with the exception of my light exposed roll) I also shot more film in first marking period because of the longer days. Now when i get home from school its almost dark but i hope that changes as the days grow longer again. :-)

My kitty's water dish was covered in snow!